Thursday, August 28, 2014

Image and Black Perception among Others

I took a drive to McDonald's one night with my white husband. We got in the parking lot and there were about 6 to 7 police officers standing around talking...We went through the drive-thru and as we pulled off....I began to gain insight on racial profiling...

My husband works late nights and often gets off at 2am in the morning. So, I was up and we felt like going out for a drive..I was dressed in nothing but a t-shirt, capris, and a doo-rag on my head..My husband was driving and I was in the passenger seat. Now, in our local community LUCKILY everyone knows everyone on the police department. In fact, I am very proud to say that the chief of police is a black man that was my next door neighbor I grew up with. His wife is my high-school classmate and his sister is the head of the local NAACP. Plus, our town had never experienced incidents like Ferguson (NOT to say it could not happen).

Anyway, I began to reverse this and put myself in the mind of a racial profiling. What if those cops assumed I was a prostitute with a white man at 2am in the morning. (Unfortunately, our town does have a low percentages of hookers looking for drugs that are BLACK and WHITE). And interracial couples are very rare in our community. What if they had come over to our car asking questions..Would they assume that and not know I am an educated black woman with 3 degrees, a homeowner, and law-abiding taxpayer....What if this happened all because of they way I looked that night..Thank goodness my husband happens to know half of the guys on the police force and I know the chief of police personally..BUT, that is not always the case for many blacks in America.

I remember being in Minneapolis, Minnesota two weeks ago. We went to the Mall of America. We went into Macy's department store. My husband went in the men section, and I went in the women section. No-one was hardly in that section and an older white lady was behind the counter. I was looking for some dresses and wanted to try them on..I got what I wanted and left. BUT, what if I was being racially profiled and accused of shoplifting and arrested...All because I am black...They would assume that without knowing I was in Minnesota attending my graduation ceremony of my master degree and my husband and I had plenty of money to spend....However, that is not always the case for many blacks...

I do not want to myself or anyone to be profiled because of looks. Sadly, Trayvon Martin died senselessly because he LOOKED like he was "up to no good"...

The whole point of this real-life story is to get SOME white people to think about being in the other person's shoes...

Monday, August 25, 2014

The Media bias in the Black Community

Everyone hears about the unfortunate tragedies that happens in Chicago, IL, Trayvon Martin, Jordan Davis, and recently Michael Brown. The list can go on and on..However, why is it that the media only focuses on tragedies in Black America.

Now, this is not diminish the history and struggles of African-Americans or the continual battle for justice and equal rights. The only time the media shows any positive news is when it's the FIRST BLACK ______(fill in the blank). Yes, the first black president is a major accomplishment in America. However, every black family is not single parent homes, not every black boy is a troubled adolescent, not every black women is a struggling working or unemployed mom, not every black person experiences police brutality.

There ARE young black boys that graduate from high school, attend college, or work. There ARE black men successful in corporate America, retired, loyal fathers, etc...There ARE successful black single mothers that are not depending on the system, There ARE successful black women in corporate America, There ARE black women in leadership roles...And, there ARE two-parent black families...

The media never seems to balance out the black community. Just like any other racial group you have your good and your bad. If you are going to present to the media..Deliver in a way that is not biased!

Friday, August 1, 2014

Depression versus Discouragement

I would say the biggest difference between depression and discouragement is giving up..Depression has a tendency to either be short-term or long term. Discouragement is more like phases that can be brief or extended. I would say that when a person is discouraged there is still much hope, but some fears or doubts about an outcome.

Depression is a different category. When a person is depressed there is a sense of hopeless and utter despair. Depending on the nature of circumstances if depression is not treated, it is likely the individual may suffer from suicidal tendencies. Depression is like a disease that spreads throughout your emotions. It tackles on to any ounce of healthy emotions. For example, security turns into insecurities, happiness turns into sadness, motivation turns into laziness, love turns into sorrow, etc..Depression is like a dark cloud weighing on a person.
So, how does one overcome these obstacles..The first step is to rid yourself of anything in your life that is unhealthy. This could be an unbalanced relationship, marriage, job, family, or friends, transitioning of a new location, job, or family member. Often bad relationships can drain a person if the relationship consist of control, domestic violence, or betrayal. Many jobs can be stressful, however, there is normal work stress and not so normal work stress. If your job is causing mental anguish, sleepless or restless nights, constant anxiety..IT's time to find something else.. 

New life transitions like a divorce, marriage, birth of a child, adoption of a child, a new stepparent, a new neighborhood can all bring certain levels of stress some good some bad. I would say that it is a matter of adjusting to change. 

Major levels of depression is likely due to health problems or death of a loved one. I would say from personal experience for me would be the death of a loved or a terminal illness of loved one would be a major level of depression..It is in times that all social support from family, friends is vital to survival. If you do not have supportive friends or family, there are local support groups and programs to provide counseling, therapy and stability back to a sense of normalcy. Focus is the central factor to combating depression.. There is your source of being to rely on strength. IF you believe in GOD, or whatever your spiritual beliefs may be..Whatever you draw of sense of strength from should be your focus..

This is my no means an easy process but the first step to making the effort is an indication of SUCCESS!!! Be encouraged and know you are LOVED!!

Body Image and Women

Current research suggest that body image perception is related to media influence and social influence. Many eating disorders, low-self esteem, and extreme dieting is common in adolescent girls and younger women.

So, what is body image? Body image is a person’s own perception of their overall body appearance. I had the wonderful opportunity to a research project on this while pursuing a degree in undergraduate studies. Body image is most relevant during childhood. This is the main reason why children often development a negative view of body image in later adulthood. Many younger and older women have the same attitudes about their level of body dissatisfaction.  It is suggested that younger women have a greater need to want to be thin than older women. 

There are numerous factors that can contribute to this..Negative comments from family and peers, criticizing of physical appearance and traumatic events. The media has large platform in the projection of how women should look or be defined.

I have always been curious as to why some women go to extreme measures concerning their physical appearance. I have known women to make comments about having small breast, being to skinny, being to fat, wanting breast implants, butt implants, cosmetic surgery, dieting pills, etc...

It does not matter the amount of money or measures someone goes through to look a certain way..It will never cover the insecurity within the heart..

Love who you are when looking in the mirror and be secure in how you were made in God's image!!