Monday, February 23, 2015

Is Abortion murder?

If someone is about to kill you and you defend yourself, as a result, assailant's life is lost. Is that considered murder? Many would say self-defense in a court of law if proven..So, what is the case for an innocent embryo that did not ask to be conceived? Is it murder?? I cannot answer this question because I am NOT GOD!

Again, I pass judgment on noone because of the extreme glass house I live in..Throwing stones is out of my league..

I personally feel the only time ABORTION is acceptable is in the case of life to the mother or child. There ectopic pregnancies that happen and terminated pregnancy is the best solution, because in most cases the baby or mother would not survive

I also feel that ABORTION rights are for both parents, with the exception of rape or incest. So, what are the primary reasons other than threat to life why many abortions occur:

Here is my question, if 25% of the reasons is affordability with raising a child, why not invest in birth control or surgical procedures to reduce or eliminate risk of conception. Then the 27%, I cannot figure out...

In cases of a rape or incest, I could never imagine being in that situation in which a young girl or woman is facing that circumstance. I personally would encourage adoption, but, I would not blame or pass judgement on anyone choosing not to have the baby...

So, again, I am noone to answer if ABORTION is murder because I am not GOD.

This is a very sensitive and controversial topic for many, especially men and woman that have lived under these circumstances...Let's learn to help people heal instead of JUDGING....

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