If you are in a relationship or marriage with an insecure man, get out now why you can. An insecure man is not going to change as long as he allows doubts and fears to rule his life. Why is this dangerous? God said that man should be the leader. So, if a man is insecure not only is he weak, he will spread that negative aspect to his children, family, and community.
So, what does insecurity means? uncertainty or anxiety about oneself; lack of confidence. Now, this is not the same meaning as getting discouraged at times in your life. Why? Because when people are discouraged they never quit. A person that is insecure will give up and not even try.
For example, if man feels that he has to prove himself to people he already does not believe in himself. Otherwise, why seek the approval of people to feel confident about who you are. Insecure men generally attract insecure women (I will do a blog on insecure women, separately). Insecure men often try to conquer a sexual quest to prove their "manhood". Insecure men rely on the attention of females to make them feel powerful. Insecure men are jealous of other successful men. An insecure man can have money, he can be broke, he can be educated, he can be uneducated, he can be a positive leader or a negative leader. Insecure men generally do not have healthy relationships with their mothers. Insecure men can come from any race, sexual orientation, religious background, or disability.
Insecure men can be verbal/physically abusive men that control people with the feeling of "dependency". Insecure men do not believe God is their "head". They believe their looks, sex appeal, money, or status is their "god" to self-esteem.
This is in no way male-bashing. It is simply to point out the good guys from the bad guys..So, what is a secure man...
Secure men are the determined men that will always fight for what they believe in and the ones they love. Secure men are men that struggle with imperfections that they put trust in God to fix. Secure men are NOT perfect in anyway. Secure men have the most respect and admiration for their mothers and fathers. Secure men always seek growth on a daily basis. Secure men are emotionally open, they are not afraid to cry, admit to weaknesses and struggles. They also know how to resolve a problem rather than create one. Secure men give guidance to their children, unconditional love to their spouse or partner, and hope for a better future..
Secure men can come in any race, sexual orientation, religious background, or disability.
Now, let's move on to part 2: Insecure woman versus Secure women
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