Thursday, July 31, 2014

Homosexuality Bashing and Christianity

I was raised in a Methodist church, not your typical Baptist or Pentecostal environment. It was not until later adult life I came to have an greater understanding of the WORD versus Christian domination's or politics in doctrine. Currently, homosexuality is viewed as the ONLY sin for IGNORANT people. Well, here is what I was taught. The bible says...We ALL have sinned and fell short the GRACE of GOD. It also states that EVERYONE will stand before GOD, and HE is the only JUDGE!

I personally do not feel just because you are heterosexual you should cast judgement on someone who is not. The bible says that God will judge according to the intentions of the HEART. So, this means to me that whatever GOD sees in your heart that is displease to him, you will be judge accordingly for it.

I personally do not have time to hate, cast judgement on anyone for whatever they do in their life right or wrong. All I can do is stay in my own lane and live the life I know that is acceptable to GOD. 

I consider myself to be an extremely affectionate woman. I love to kiss, hug, hold, snuggle you name it. I love closeness..I have been that since I was a child...I was very close to my grandmother, mother and aunts..So, women and affection has always been on an affectionate level for me..So, it is nothing for me to kiss a woman like I would my grandmother..I lay in the bed with my husband to this day, the same way I did with my grandmother and just talk..It is to me a special level of intimacy..

So, for women that have deeper affectionate levels for women that is expressed on sexual levels is known to some as lesbianism or in some cases bisexual, if the female prefer men and women. I feel that is it noone's business what someone does sexually to another person behind close doors. That is something intimate and private. I want to be respected for the person I love and I feel same-sex couples should be given the same respect.

It annoys that some people claiming to be believers in Jesus that it is their obligation to throw stones, discriminate, or harass someone that is gay. In fact, I do not consider people like that to be Christians. In fact, I personally believe that homophobia is coming from one's own personal fears of their own sexuality. I believe when you are comfortable with your sexuality as a heterosexual or homosexual. You are free in conscious to express, receive, and share the highest level of intimacy with your partner and not feel any guilt, shame, or embarrassment about it.

Another thing that should be considered in homosexuality is that not all individuals are given a choice. There are some cases in which some people's sexuality may have been violated through molestation, rape, or pedophilia. There are also some cases were people are struggling with their sexuality and not wanting to be homosexual. Then there are other cases were people are comfortable and proud to be gay. In all situations, people should be respect for their choices.

I am not here advocating gay rights or heterosexual rights...But to respect the rights of human beings and their personal choices..

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Interracial Marriages and Racism

There has been much said about interracial marriages/relationships..My personal beliefs about interracial relationships is that it really should not matter about the race of a person. History shows at one point interracial marriage was illegal in the United States. Currently, the rate of interracial pairing is increasing..Statistics states that interracial marriage are subject to divorce higher than same-race couples IF they married in the late 80's..So, what does that say about interracial pairing afterwards..There is also statistics that state divorce is likely to happen in the 10th year of marriage among White/Asian wife and Black husbands. However, there is less than 50% chance of divorce among Black wife and White husbands...I personally believe that divorce could be likely for any married couple of any race when there is no common ground...

Take a look at some visuals of interracial pairings:

I am a black women that is married to a white man. We got married in 2010, I have known him for 17 years..We both dated outside our races prior to marriage. We both were raised in two-parent households and we both came up in a generation were racial barriers were not as harsh as they were during our parents' generation.

I can personally say that it truly depends on the person, their upbringing, and their exposure to diversity. I have heard many stories, myths, and stereotypes about interracial paring. And, let me go ahead and just state facts versus stereotypes:

1) Stereotype: White men treat black women better/ FACT: My father was a black man and was faithfully married to my mother for nearly 40 years until her death. I grew up in a loving environment, I never wanted for nothing and my father was a true leader in our household. Me marrying white had nothing to do with my experience with black men..I just happen to fall in love with the man of my dreams. White men has just as much flaws as a black men. Men are Men!!

2) Stereotype: White men are less endowed than Black men sexually/ FACT: White men and Black men penises all work the same way. They come in different sizes and shapes :-)

3) Stereotype: White men only want Black women as sex objects/ FACT: A man is going to be a man regardless what color he is. It is up to the woman how she allows a man to treat her.

4) Stereotype: White men only marry black women that are educated/FACT: Yes, I do have a master's degree, but when I got married I only had an associate degree while obtaining a bachelor's with no job....White men marry who they love, there is no educational or income requirement

Okay, here are some questions and comments that have been stated to me by family and friends since I been married: "It is an insult for a black women to marry a white man", "I personally feel that white men are more into black women than black men", " Why would you choose to marry a white man", " As longs as you are all happy, that is all that matters", " I love interracial couples, cant wait for you guys to have kids", "I love me some black women", " I do not do white boys", "lusting after that white dick", "Marrying outside your race is okay as long as you do not bring children into it".~~~~Most of the people that made these comments to me, are very unhappy in their lives

One thing about me is that I can totally respect how people feel about things and not be offended because my life is not based on what people think. My life is based off the God I serve..Fortunately, our families are very supportive..In fact, we often get treated like celebrities when we are out in public..Yes, we do get those looks and stares at times...It really depends on your location.. In military communities and larger cities you tend to see more diversity in families than you would in smaller communities. 

I know one couple, a black woman and white guy that planned to marry and her(black woman) parents almost disowned her..Happy to say they are happier than ever with 2 kids. I have one friend who pretty much grew up in a racist household to the point his father was a member of the KKK. He married a black woman and had three beautiful daughters..I also know people who wanted to marry outside their race but chose not too because of PEOPLE's opinions!!

Being married to someone from a different race is a blessing because you have the advantage of being in a "blended" family. But most importantly is that you are happy with the person you with... If there is someone that treats you right, respects you, supports you, have common goals and interest, and has your back..You got be pretty STUPID and RACIST not allow that person to be in your life just because their of a different race..

It boils down to be happy and not allow people to dictate who you should be with even if it is family...

All in all, at the end of the day I am very content with my life and my man!!!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Preachers of LA

After watching season 1 and watching the preshows before season 2. I must say I truly enjoy watching this show more than TBN, DAYSTAR, or INSP any day of the week... I know viewers would disagree with this show. But I see nothing wrong with showing that preachers are no different than anyone else.

I believe part of the problem is putting ministers up on pedestals like they are GODS. That is no different than worshiping a celebrity.

Hoiler than thou Syndrome

It's one thing that annoys me more than anything is CHURCH folk! Yes, this is not a vent but a concern and apparently it's been a concern of Jesus for quite some time now..Again, I will not give you scriptures or preach that is not the purpose of this blog.

In the bible I read, Jesus made it apparent that he came to seek and save the lost. Not the "know it alls"..I am sure there is someone you know in your community, family, school, or church that is HOLIER than THOU..
What does it mean to be holier than thou:

 1) Everyone is going to HELL except you
 2) You have a special HEAVEN set aside for you, by God
 3) You have never sinned a day in your life
 4) You pass judgement on anyone that does not: go to church, not married, single parent, gay, poor, etc...
 5) You are secretly a pathetic human suffering from jealously, envy, spite, and misery

If you suffer from this.....Here are some helpful tips

1) Become of believer in LOVE~ (GOD is LOVE)

2) Develop your own personal walk with GOD

3) Strive on his Grace and Mercies to be the person he created you to be..

Women Preachers

I believe women have a place in ministry but I do not believe it is to rule an entire church..Again, I will not sit here and quote bible scriptures and not assume all readers will agree with this blog. All I ask is to respect my personal point of view.

I was raised in a male-dominated family were the male figures were strong leaders. This is not to suggest that women were not strong role models. My mother is one of the most influential people in my life. Being a woman myself, obliviously I support women's rights, leadership positions, and empowerment. In fact, I would accept a female as President of the United States.

However, when it comes to a church there is a specific order I believe the bible states how the house of God should be ran. It clearly states in the NEW testament that women should minister over younger women and children. Also, a woman should not rule over a man. Now, I do not take that as some slave mentality or inferior status to a man. It is just the way I believe God design order in his house. I do not believes it gravitates to any form of discrimination or disrespect for women. I believe women were created for a unique purpose from God. Blessed to be a Woman!!

The love of money is the root of all EVIL...

Well, let me start by saying that I am not about to sit here and write a bunch of scriptures or preach by any means. This post is created from my personal viewpoint, I welcome all readers of any religion and respect differences of opinions..In other words, you do not have to agree with my views, but I do ask you respect it

From my personal experience NOT all, but most church organizations today require high maintenance from its congregates. What ever happen to the family unit of church and true Christian teaching? Why do some churches not speak on certain topics like divorce, adultery, homosexuality, murder, stealing, killing, etc...What happen to the basic knowledge of the word? Have many leaders in  the christian organizations conformed to catering to audiences that bring in the most prof$t?

What do I mean by high maintenance is exactly what it means. Constantly burdening down church members with limited income for a buck. Persistent car washes, bake sales, fish fries, and programs to raise money for building funds instead helping needy families. But most importantly, why does the preacher not have a job? Since when did it become scriptural or ethical for a minister to make financial profit off a church congregation.
My personal understanding of the bible is that Jesus died to save mankind from eternal damnation and through him by believing there is everlasting life. Lately, an altar call is done instantly after a collection offering or the healing line is based off how much "seed" ($$$) is sown... And..let's not forget the overall money-maker tithes and offering. Why is it that this means financial giving? Do churches not believe in other forms of tithes and offerings like food, shelter clothing, time, goods, etc..

But, most importantly teachings and preaching on the christian living life. I personally do not believe in judging, hating or discriminating against anyone that does not believe all things about the bible or God. However, that does not mean I will not offer or explain my beliefs when given the opportunity. So, why do churches shy away from topics of divorce, adultery, homosexuality, murder, stealing, killing, etc...I personally feel most money-making preachers are fearful of offending. So, here would be some helpful approaches on these topics...

1) If a person is in the church, a preacher's job is to speak the word in its entirety, no sugarcoating, no half truths.

2) If a person does not agree with the church teachings, they have a right to not attend the church.

3) No-one should be under any financial obligation to a church (members, visitors, etc)

4) Everyone should feel loved and welcomed in a church regardless of race, sexual orientation, or religion (Many forget that God is the only Judge)

5) If a church is able to help someone it should not require a membership, financial tithing history, or a status..Preachers should only use gifts of discernment to expose any deception. 

6) Allow God to run the ministry

Bottom line you either please God or man...Choice is yours!